Our last international event is over. We spent 2 days of the hot Bremen summer, full of workshops, sessions and cultural walks. We thank our German partner M2C for organizing the “Democracy Day” meeting.

The last international #Vote4YourEurope event was held from the 3rd till 5th July 2019. We discussed the EP election results, the state of democracy in the EU countries and democracy’s forgotten turning points.

Also, our sessions focused on the topics of democracy and climate protection, civic participation, diversity and personal role in the European Idea.

Participants from 10 European countries took part in the Diversity and Democracy workshop.

More information can be found at the project facebook page and twitter profile.

This publication reflects only the author’s view. The EACEA and the Commission are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

©2024 “Vote 4 Your Europe” project

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