On 28 March 2019, in Lisbon, Portugal was conducted the second event-meeting “Democracy Tourists” under the project “Vote 4 Your Europe”, implemented by Association “Expert Pool – Bulgaria” with the financial support of the “Europe for Citizens” Programme 2014-2020. It was organized by the Portuguese partner organisation APSHSTDC – ASSOCIAÇÃO PORTUGUESA DE SAÚDE, HIGIENE E SEGURANÇA.
Within the event the main topics were:
- Policies and good practices of urban mobility for tourism and citizenship;
- Spaces of multiculturalism and education for citizenship as a contribution to democratic tourism;
- Democratic processes in the participating countries.
Representatives from Bulgaria and the partner countries Portugal, Poland, Albania, Lithuania, Spain, Estonia, Germany, Greece and Italy discussed the progress of the organization of the workshops and the transnational events under the project. The idea of the event was for the participants to share knowledge about the state of democracy in their countries.
Every partner organisation presented in creative ways videos, interviews, photographs to show on a national level democracy in action. This practice formed discussion about concrete ways to create a more democratic Union between the participants.
More information can be found at the project facebook page and twitter profile.
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